Türk Telekom International AT GmbH
Registered Office: Campus 21, Europaring F13, Level 3; 2345 Brunn am Gebirge; Austria
Company Registration number: FN 99090 x
Court where Registered: Landesgericht Wiener Neustadt
Tax Number: 0510505
EU Tax Number: ATU 16967806
Main Phone Number: +43 1 699 94 08
Art 11, 12 Digital Service Act contact: dsa@turktelekomint.com (Kontaktmöglichkeit gemäß Art. 11 und Art. 12 DSA: dsa@turktelekomint.com)
Information Regarding this Website
- Please report any problems, questions, or difficulities with the website to our primary email address, office@turktelekomint.com. We appreciate your feedback and will respond in a timely manner.
- The text content of this website is copyrighted and should not be duplicated or reused without prior written consent of Türk Telekom International. Copyrights for the image content on this website vary and should be inquired about before reuse or republication. Please direct inquiries to office@turktelekomint.com.