
Strategic Agreement by MVM NET Ltd and Türk Telekom International

Common Vision is Key to Successful Future

Budapest, 27.03.2018 – MVM NET Ltd providing telecommunication services of strategic importance and Türk Telekom International (TTI), a leading telecommunication company in Central and Eastern Europe concluded a strategic cooperation agreement. Through this, the two companies can fully benefit from their product and geographical synergies with regard to data and voice services. TTI, having a significant Hungarian backbone network, intends to use services provided by MVM NET in Hungary, while MVM NET plans to use TTI services outside Hungary, which highly promotes the business strategies of both companies.

One of the main pillars of MVM NET’s strategy and vision is its network infrastructure service provided at a high quality, along with its continuous development and extension. Network development programmes that have a priority as strategic Hungarian projects ensure the expansion of the company’s 6 200 km long optical backbone and its access network. MVM NET delivers services at very high availability and quality standards at its current and future service terminal points.

“The agreement supports all our wholesale and business sector goals, while the guarantees offered by TTI also allow us to safely undertake international compliance with the high quality standards already applied in Hungary,” Kornél Krénusz, the CEO of MVM NET said. “By our cooperation with TTI, we connect into the circulation of data communication with capacities that can be flexibly expanded at a high quality,” Kornél Krénusz added.

TTI has been present in the Hungarian telecommunications market for over 20 years via its legal predecessors. 4 000 kilometres of its international backbone network of over 40 000 km running through 19 countries are located in Hungary. This high availability network allows TTI to provide full telecommunication services to the local incumbent, cable TV, mobile phone, internet service provider and business partners. TTI’s main objective is to go beyond and surpass its customers’ expectations.

“By uniting TTI’s international experience and client base with MVM NET’s Hungarian expertise, both TTI and MVM NET will be able to serve their customers at a higher quality,” as Mehmet C. Toros, TTI Group Chairman of the Management Board pointed out. “At the moment, MVM NET covers overs   20 000 terminal points in Hungary, primarily in areas where TTI’s end users are located,” the Chairman of the Board added.

“This agreement offers a stable vision of the future for both companies. In today’s digital world, high service availability and safety are increasingly crucial. These key parameters are of great importance when serving customers at TTI and MVM NET alike, “ said András Ujhegyi, Deputy General Manager of Sales at MVM NET. “I am convinced that high quality and safety will result in new customers, new markets and in a successful future for all of us,” András Ujhegyi added.

“On the international telecommunication market, strategic co-operations are gaining importance, not only facilitating the mutual utilization of each other’s services, but also assisting in meeting complex business needs by a shared understanding of partners,” said Stuart Evers, Chief Commercial Officer at Türk Telekom International.

“Due to the geographical location of the company and the cooperation with TTI, new prospects have also opened up for MVM NET’s international wholesale activity as a regional transit operator,” said Gergely Cserép, Chief Strategy and Business Development Officer at MVM NET. “Not least, there is a new scope for serving multinational business customers who get access to the services of the Hungarian company through the TTI framework agreement,” Gergely Cserép added.

“MVM NET selected TTI since in our Hungarian headquarters, professional sales, technical, financial and procurement teams work actively to ensure that TTI’s strategic customers receive a service of the highest quality,” said Zsolt Linkai, Department Manager for Strategic Customers at TTI. “The strategic agreement concluded with MVM NET opens up new dimensions for both telecommunication companies, as it unites the positive, regionally unique qualities of the telecommunication networks,” Zsolt Linkai added.


Further information:


The 100% MVM Ltd owned, but independently operated telecommunications service provider started its operations in 2012. MVM NET manages the second longest optical backbone network in Hungary, providing telecommunication services of strategic importance to the government, state organisations and business partners on its advanced, high-capacity and extremely reliable network.

Türk Telekom International

Türk Telekom International is a leading telecommunication operator in the CEE region, Turkey, Caucasus, Middle-East and Asia, being present in the Hungarian and international market for 20 years. 4 000 kilometres of its optical network of over 40 000 km stretching from London to Singapore are in Hungary. Türk Telekom International delivers high quality telecommunication services in 19 countries in the CEE region, Turkey, Middle-East and Caucasus. In these regions, there are over 50 data centres with connection points.


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