Our Network Map

Terrestrial Backbone Network and Sea Cables
  • TTI Fibre optic network
  • TT WS network
  • Leased Backbone capacity
  • SMW-3 cable
  • Iraq-Gulf route
  • AMEERS Middle East section
  • MedTurk submarine cable system
  • SMW-5 cable
  • ME Routes Ongoing Project

Türk Telekom International



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Our Mission

We are a service provider that understands customer needs accurately on a global scale, offers the most appropriate solution for these needs, and continuously improves its service and infrastructure.


Our Commitment

Continuing to offer the highest value available through quality network infrastructure, innovative services and a “can do” attitude that delivers the expectations our customers require.


Key Offerings

Seamless connectivity throughout a unique geographical coverage from Western Europe towards Middle East to Asia.


Unique Solutions

Extend the reach of your business with our unique communications solutions.


Türk Telekom International’s AMEER(S) service is capable with its new path connecting Western-Europe to the Middle-East on redundant routes – avoiding current crisis zones, following the shortest geographic routes.


Sea-Me-We 5

Türk Telekom International has signed the C&MA (Construction and Maintenance Agreement) and become a full member of the SEA-ME-WE 5 submarine cable consortium.


SD WAN Service

Türk Telekom International’s fully managed SD-WAN solution offers dynamic load sharing – aggregating broadband internet connectivity, MPLS and other connectivity types for higher utilization of capacities. Dual edge devices, distributed gateways and multiple connectivity options mean reduced downtime, with zero-touch provisioning.


Cloud Connect Service

Türk Telekom International’s Cloud Connect service provides a dedicated connection between enterprise site location(s), and Cloud Service Providers (CSPs) via Türk Telekom International network. The connection is delivered via Türk Telekom International’s state of the art IP/MPLS network between the end customer and Cloud Service Providers.


About Türk Telekom International

Türk Telekom International is a leading telecommunication operator in the CEE region, Türkiye, Caucasus, Middle-East and Asia. Türk Telekom International provides a full range of Internet/data services, infrastructure and wholesale voice services to incumbents, alternative carriers, mobile operators, cable TV companies, Internet service providers and corporate customers.

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