Türk Telekom International Telekomünikasyon Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi (Privacy Policy)
Türk Telekom International based on related legal regulations, takes the necessary measures to ensure the privacy and security of customer information at the highest level and our Company applies the following points in the web site (https://turktelekomint.com).
- Türk Telekom International process personal data lawfully, as in Data Responsible Title, which can be obtained verbally, in writing or electronically in order to carry out sales, marketing and management activities and ensure to maintain services without any interruption, from channels which includes Head Office or dealers/distributors.
- Personal data is processed by our Company in order to; maintain sales, marketing and management activities precisely, perform activities carried out by the Company within legal and administrative obligations, clarify data subject about the change in regulations or rule and policies accepted within Company’s structure, protect legitimate interest, execute promotions and marketing activities, obtain opinion of the data subject by questionnaires and voting to ensure customer satisfaction, ensure the security of the electronic systems and physical environment owned or used by the Company and take necessary measures by making relevant evaluations, perform necessary work by the business units to benefit customers from the products and services offered by the Company.
- Our company’s website collects candidate employee information for job applications.
- Our company attaches importance to protecting the privacy and security of personal data. Accordingly, necessary technical and administrative security measures are taken to protects personal data from unauthorized access, damage, loss or exposure. Company is not responsible for the security and privacy of the links provided for accessing other websites through the website. No liability will be accepted for material or moral losses that may occur as a result of access to these websites.
- Any personal information of customers and candidate employees requested for use in recruitment transactions are not shared with third parties under no circumstances without the approval of customer/candidate employee. Customer personal information may be shared only upon request with legal institutions and authorities authorized to access customer/candidate employee information.
- Access to information entered by our customers/candidate employees on the website has been prevented from third parties. In order to protect the confidentiality of the personal information of our customers/candidate employees, our Company’s system and internet infrastructure has been kept at a reliable level and necessary measures have been taken.
- Personal data whose purpose of use and the legal retention period has expired are deleted, destroyed or anonymized by our Company in accordance with article 7 of KVKK.
- Our company receives support services from different organizations when it deems necessary and ensures that the related organizations act in accordance with the company’s privacy standards and requirements. Our company makes sure that the data processors with whom it contracts give as much importance to information security as it does to them and act with the awareness of joint responsibility and ensures this contractually as well. The data processors process personal data in accordance with the legislation, only in accordance with the instructions of Türk Telekom International, in accordance with the regulations and in accordance with the contract concluded with Türk Telekom International.
- The security and privacy of the links provided for access to other websites through our website is not under the responsibility of our Company. Our company cannot take responsibility for material/moral losses that may be encountered in these websites.
- The copyright for the information, materials and their arrangement on the website of our Company belongs to Türk Telekom International. All copyright, trademark, patent, intellectual and other proprietary rights regarding information and materials other than the materials belonging to third parties contained in the website of our company are reserved for our company.
The rights of real persons whose personal data is processed are regulated under the Article 11 of KVKK and the subject of the data have the following rights to the Company under this article:
- Learning whether personal data is processed,
- Request information if personal data has been processed,
- Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with their purpose,
- Know the third parties from which personal data is transferred at home or abroad,
- Request that personal data be corrected if it is incomplete or improperly processed,
- Request that personal data be deleted or destroyed if the reasons for processing have disappeared,
- Request that corrections and deletions be notified to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,
- Objecting to the emergence of an outcome against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,
- Request to recover damages if personal data is damaged due to illegal processing.
Requests from data subject for the use of one of the rights above will be met by the company within 30 days at latest. These requests, after ‘’KVKK Data Owner Application Form” is filled out and signed and delivered to related address “Acıbadem Mahallesi, Acıbadem Caddesi No:150 B Blok Kat: Zemin-1-2 34660 Üsküdar/İstanbul Türkiye” or office.tr@turktelekomint.com with a secure electronic signature personally or via notary by applying to Türk Telekom International with the documents providing authentication (ID card, driver’s license, etc.).
If the claims require a further cost, the company will be able to charge fees in amounts determined under the relevant legislation.
Our customers / visitors to our website agree to the above terms and conditions and our company has the right to change and update the terms and conditions contained in this legal notice without prior notice.

Career Opportunities
Türk Telekom International is the biggest Wholesale Telecommunication Provider in Central – Eastern Europe that provides Data, IP transit, Virtual PoP and Voice services to the customers.
If you are interested in a position listed below, please send your resume in English to joinus[at]turktelekomint.com
Please read this carefully before sending your resume to Türk Telekom International. In sending your resume, you agree at the same time that Türk Telekom International may process and use your personal data in accordance with the statutory provisions of data protection law and this Privacy Policy.